this morning

Rochelle back on This Morning

Hi all, firstly so sorry for the lack of updates recently. It’s end of the school year at work – and I don’t finish until next Wednesday – it’s insanely busy I’m doing so much so sadly the site has had to suffer a bit. Sorry for the lack of updates, normal service should resume shortly.

Just to compliment the news about the site, as you are aware Rochelle and Marvin are back on This Morning hosting duties this summer, starting from today, and every Friday!

Rochelle back on This Morning Read More »

Disco Love – This Morning

This Morning the girls appeared on … This Morning .. they had a chat (video coming soon) and performed the new single Disco Love, which you can view below:

Update: Sorry something went a little wrong, this is what happens when you leave technology to get on alone, it should now be working …

I do have the Interview, but it will take me time to get it off my TiVo, I also need to do 3-4 hours worth of revision this evening, as my exam is this Friday, so as you can appreciate that is my primary concern right now, but for now enjoy the performance (sorry for the breakup at the start!)

Disco Love – the new single – is OUT NOW! Click the links below to buy!! 

Disco Love – Single (Only 99p!) Download Here! (Blue Cover)

Disco Love – Remixes EP – Includes TWO B-sides (On The Radio, Love Come Down) – AND a remix – all for just £1.99! (Red Cover)

Disco Love – Remixes – Includes THREE remixes – £1.99 (Yellow Cover)

Disco Love is taken from the BRAND NEW ALBUM, ‘Living For The Weekend’ which is OUT NEXT WEEK! Grab that whilst you are at it, the standard album is JUST £6.99 or grab the DELUXE album, which has over 20 different items, for a bargain £9.99

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This Morning – Interview & Performance

This Morning the girls visited, This Morning, to talk about and perform their new single, which is OUT NOW in Ireland! You can catch the interview and performance below. Let us know what you thought via the twitter, this is the first performance of the song as a 5-piece as Rochelle has returned to the group 🙂

Performance – Gentleman

Alternative Link via our YouTube


Alternative Link via our YouTube

As always, we request that if you use this video on your own website/blog/tumblr etc. please just use the embed link on vimeo or youtube. Please refrain from downloading it and uploading it to your own accounts. Please link back to Thanks 🙂

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Gentleman Promo starts today!

It’s only a matter of days before you can get hold of Gentleman, unless you are in Ireland then you can grab it tomorrow! We have setup a new poll below asking you where you think the song will chart, amazingly it seems that most people are expecting it to chart, as of now most people are thinking that it will chart in the lower half of the Top 10. If you disagree vote now!

The girls promo starts today, the girls will be on BBC Radio 2 (Which doesn’t even have Gentleman on its playlist!) this afternoon, we should have the girls on the show on the site later this evening, so if you are at work/college/school/not in UK etc. then make sure you pop back here later this afternoon and listen to the girls on Radio 2.

The first performance is tomorrow on This Morning, I’d be at work so I will try and get it on the site during my lunch break, but there is a chance it won’t be until I get home, but more on that tomorrow.

Gentleman Promo starts today! Read More »

Gentleman Promo Confirmed

Shortly after I posted yesterday that hopefully the TV promo for Gentleman will be confirmed soon, it was posted up, and to mine (and probably a few others surprise) there isn’t much of it ….

Thursday 27th June – BBC Radio 2: Steve Wright In The Afternoon with Patrick Kielty
Friday 28th June – This Morning, ITV1 – 10.30am
Monday 1st July – Daybreak, ITV1 – From 7.00am
Wednesday 3rd July – Mollie and Vanessa chatting on Let’s Do Lunch, ITV1 – 12.30pm

They are also doing another Google Hangout on Tuesday 2nd July for those who enjoy that kind of thing. I understand why they do these but from an actual promo/sales point of view I’m not sure how much they actually help promote the song.

I also appreciate that there aren’t that many TV shows for pop acts to go on in the summer months, but this does seem to be pretty bare threaded unless there is stuff they aren’t telling us. I mean just ONE performance the week the song is out, and that’s on Monday – the girls traditionally have strong early sales and then drop as the week progresses, so lets hope something is planned for the end of the week. It’s a shame not to see the girls on the big Friday night talk shows more often.

Reminder that Gentleman is out on Sunday, it wasn’t that long ago that we where all ‘we got to wait how long?!’ Remember to pre-order NOW so you can grab Wildfire!



Gentleman Promo Confirmed Read More »

Video Update: Interview on This Morning

Sorry this has taken a bit of time to get online, my computer isn’t behaving well, if anyone is kind enough to donate me a new top-of-the-range machine I can get these online quicker 😉

fThis Morning the girls visited, This Morning, to talk about Chasing The Saturdays, Mollie looking for her name, and of course their money making for Children In Need, catch the video below:

Also here is the first weekly challenge from the girls:

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