
News Pieces – 17th September 2012

Firstly sorry for the lack of updates recently, juggling the site, University work and life can get a bit taxing at times and as you can probably understand the website comes last in that list of three so has suffered a bit recently, but here’s an update to say everything is good and well!

Tomorrow see’s my birthday .. so all gifts, cards, presents are accepted and trying to steal the limelight from that 😉 our girls are in Birmingham – on the rare occasion that I’m seemingly not there – signing copies of their new calendar! So if you are in the area make sure you pop along and mention that it’s my birthday – they should know who I am 😉 … then again …

The girls are back in the UK for a bit, catching up with friends and family, then they head back over to the US to continue to get their name out there. Still no real news when we will hear the single properly, and if we are going to have to wait until November (or so) until it appears in the UK (thinking of a early January release here ..)

Those who applied to help the site with US news, I’ve not forgotten, contact should be made at some point this week! Just been very very busy recently.

I’ll update the site soon with the latest bits and pieces, and expecting a few presents tomorrow! 😉

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