
Una Explains Dublin Gig.

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Tipperary beauty Una Healy, from The Saturdays, has defended her band’s decision to play just two songs while in Dublin for a promotional gig last week.

The singer jetted into town with her bandmates for a much-hyped appearance at the launch of the new Xbox Lips at The Good Bits venue on Wednesday.

However, fans were left disappointed when the girls performed just two of their hit songs, generating negative press coverage the next day.

Flame-haired Una has since hit back, claiming that the group does not play more than two or three songs at promotional gigs, to ensure they sell-out tour dates.

According to the Thurles native: “The thing is when we do a show like that, it’s not an actual gig.

“If you come to our tour, we do an hour-and-a-half set, with the music, the dancing, the band and everything.

“But when we’re launching a product, it’s like a personal appearance.

“For example, when we played Childline we just did three tracks, the same as everyone else. That’s just the norm,” she added.

Una, who has shot to fame since joining the girl group three years ago, went on to explain how she tries to avoid reading press about the group.

Instead, the 28-year-old’s mum collects all the press clippings.

“When I go home at Christmas I’ll have to read them all.

“You shouldn’t really read all the press. It’s really nice to read the positive stuff but I don’t think you should focus too much on it.

“I think it’s better to just get on with what you’re doing,” she added.

Una has just bought a new house in London and is planning to move into the place with her rugby star boyfriend, Ben Foden, in January.

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– Lorna Nolan

Una Explains Dublin Gig. Read More »

Sats are up for “Top 30 Stars Under 30” Contest!

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Your girls need your help now more than ever! They are up for Portrait Magazine’s Top 30 Stars Under 30 contest! That’s the good news. The BAD, BAD, BAD news is their competition (click for a full list).

What can we do to help them? I know! VOTE!!!! Go to the homepage of Portrait (here) and go vote-crazy! Voting ends at the end of November and there’s no charges or anything, so do it! We need them to win!

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