rochelle wiseman

News Roundup

It’s all gone a bit quiet in the new year hasn’t it? Just hope this isn’t a sign that 2012 is going to be a quiet year, as per my quick New Year post it seems 2012 could well be a quieter time for the girls musically – yes I know its only January 5th, but with marriages and babies …

Brief look around the Internet there are lots of reports that our lovely Rochelle and Marvin are planning to get married in 10 weeks time! Not hanging around then, we expect an invite in the post shortly Rochelle 😉

The other couple-to-be are seemingly planning an Irish wedding according to the Irish media. As they spent the christmas period hunting for venues! Plus over various reports seem to be reporting on Una’s toilet abilities (Is news really that slow?!)

In better news the girls play their first (and maybe last) show for a while next week as they perform at Alexendra Burke’s charity concert – the Asda Tickled Pink ‘Girls Night Out’ for the Breast Cancer charity. Although how much dancing Una will be doing is up for question, maybe they can borrow some stools and do a few acoustic numbers!

*Fingers crossed* for a new single soon, surely they will squeeze one out before Una gives birth for us dedicated members of TeamSats!

If you need a tour fix, the girls support at Oh My! ‘created’ their new music video from bits and pieces they took during the ‘All Fired Up’ tour, you can catch the video here.

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Happy New Year!

Is it just me or has 2011 come and gone in a blink of the eye? It only seems like yesterday that everyone was getting excited about the Headlines tour, rumours about a new album and what 2011 had in store for our lovely ladies. I think it’s fair to say 2011 was a generally successful year for the girls, the only minor inconveniences had to be the chart placements of My Heart Takes over and On Your Radar, but apart from that the year as a whole was pretty successful. Two tours, ending with the awesome All Fired Up Tour which was the girls first headline arena tour. The release of their new album On My Radar – which is a solid album – just for whatever reasons the girls have struggled to increase their fan base or have managed to alienate the ‘floater’ buyers who haven’t (yet) picked up the album. Either way I’m sure their management are looking at the stats and details that we don’t have and are working on a plan for 2012, talking of which …

What is lined up for the girls in 2012? We gaze into our crystal ball, which is awfully cloudy, and guess the following MIGHT happen …

– We could expect to see another single from On My Radar, what one? Who knows, but if Una is going to be involved in the promo she’s not going to want to be dancing around, so maybe a ballad?
– Common sense suggests that there will be an album release sooner rather than later. You can probably flip a coin right now if this is likely to be a re-release of On My Radar or another album type release – Greatest Hits anyone?? – Which means they could promote a new single without Una’s vocals heavily included.
– More engagements? What with Una and Rochelle getting into the sprit this Christmas who’s next? Frankie? Mollie? Place your bets now …
– More babies?
– Was all this talk about the USA just talk? Or will they actually go about it? Or will the not-so-great chart placement of On Your Radar in the UK, and the baby, change all those plans?

Musically 2012 could be another sparse year for The Saturdays, I’d imagine the girls will continue to record during 2012, maybe we’ll see new-new material by the years end, but I think the levels of promo that they did throughout 2011 will be unlikely what with Una wanting to spend time (and rightly so) with her baby, if she really wants to tour up and down the UK across the summer festival season is a decision that only she can their management can make, although the girls as a 4 piece are likely to do some promotional work for any likely single/album releases if its on the same scale as 2011 is up for debate.

Either way, we personally thank you for ALL your support to this website during 2011, with our competitions to meet the girls on the Headlines Tour at the start of the year, though to the All Fired Up Tour that only recently ended, without you guys and girls visiting it would make our work pointless.

Hope everyone has a wonderful new year! 🙂

– The Saturdays Fansite Team xx


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Rochelle: ‘ovarian cyst caused weight gain’

@RochelleTheSats has been talking about her weight loss/gain to the media.

Rochelle Wiseman was the subject of much tabloid attention when she appeared earlier in 2011 having lost weight.

Now the Saturdays singer has revealed she had just returned to her normal size after gaining weight in 2010 because of a health problem.

The star told New! magazine: “I had an operation at the start of last year. I had a cyst on my ovary and it made me put on a lot of weight.”

“I went a full dress size bigger – from a size 8 up to a 10, maybe even a 12. Everyone thinks I’ve tried to lose weight, but I genuinely haven’t.”

Rochelle received criticism about her fuller figure at the time but took to Twitter to have a go at the online bullies who called her fat.

She tweeted: “I’m really getting annoyed reading that people are calling me fat! I’m a size 10 not 100! I’m human and curvy get over it! It’s boring!”

“I’m just starting to get sick of it!!! No wonder people get a complex!! I think it’s a disgrace!!”

“As a band we take pride in being role models to children and other young girls and I think that the best role model is someone who is comfortable in their own skin! And I am.”

Source: AOL

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Rochelle: “Marv and I are boring”

The Saturdays singer says her and JLS Marvin Humes are homebodies but not ready for babies yet

The are one of the most successful couples in British pop, but Rochelle Wiseman doesn’t think her and Marvin are interesting at all.

“I’m a bit of a home girl at heart” said the singer “It’s so funny because when people say I’m in a ‘high profile relationship’, I don’t ever see it like that. It’s just Roch and Marv at home”.

Wiseman said she understands why people are interested in her romance with the JLS singer but that they are “pretty boring”.

Rochelle also said that The Saturdays are very excited about Una Healy’s pregnancy.

“It’s good practice for us (Rochelle and Marvin) because we are not ready for that yet, but we get to give the baby back when its nappy needs changing”.

Source: Heart

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Christmas Lights & Halloween

@thesaturdays hit Oxford Street and the shoppers this evening as the girls switch on the famous Oxford Street Christmas Lights, the event is due to start at 5pm outside Marks & Spencers .. so afterwards you can pop in and pick up some food as well! Hopefully Frankie will rejoin the girls this afternoon as everyone is missing her!

The girls promo for ‘My Heart Takes Over’ and ‘On Your Radar’ should hopefully pick up soon (it is awfully quiet at present – or is that just me?) The dancers have also started their rehersals for the ‘All Fired Up’ tour which is only a month away … how excited is everyone for that?!

We got a competition coming soon – details shortly – probably one for our female visitors tho! Plus we got another Interview coming up soon as well!

Hope you all had a good Halloween, here’s a ‘scary’ looking Rochelle to start your Tuesday off with a bang!


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The girls embark on National Radio Tour

Busy times for @thesaturdays as today was day 1 (of 5) of their National UK tour of local radio stations – see everyone they do promote outside London and Manchester after all 😀

Today it seems Rochelle and Vanessa have been taken in the sights of Wales and South England (they are on route to Southampton right now) where Una and Mollie have been visiting Scotland. According to their own website:

“The girls will divide and conquer to cover the breadth of the UK, taking in Scotland, Newcastle, west Yorkshire, Birmingham, Wigan, Swansea, Hampshire, Brighton, Nottingham and more… all in just five days.”

If today is anything to go by it seems Una & Mollie are doing the Northern radio stations with Rochelle and Vanessa taking the southern ones. Although obviously they will swap tomorrow now we’ve posted this and we will look silly!

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