Strictly Come Rochelle, Frankie Returns
Hey all! It’s another happy Monday, right?
We start off with the news over the weekend about Frankie’s imminent return. Obviously there has been a lot of talk about, well everything, to do with the group, from them calling it a day (or not), from more babies, from Rochelle getting sick, and now we have news of Frankie’s return!
If you head over to CapitalFMย they have an audio snippet from Vanessa confirming Frankie’s return who is apparently back ‘before Christmas’ the girls play their first of three Christmas Shows this weekend at Free Radio Live in Birmingham so maybe she’s back for these shows? We are live from the event in Birmingham this weekend so keep it here for the latest – yes we do have tickets!
Rochelle is rumoured to be on a Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special, nothing confirmed on that just yet, but just a little rumour that is circulating around the Internet right now. Apparently everything is to be confirmed at 6.30pm this evening. So as soon as we hear anything we will update.
We will also be launching our competition soon to win an official 2014 calendar! More details in the next day or so, just need to tidy up a few things and work out how it can be sent out, as it’s fairly large!
Strictly Come Rochelle, Frankie Returns