
Album three will be tough.

Source: Digital Spy

The Saturdays have revealed that they will find it “tough” making a third album.

The five-piece insisted that they want to release a new record every year, but are struggling to find the time in their schedule to write music.

“Most bands disappear in the studio for a couple of months and just concentrate on their new album,” the group told the Daily Star.

“We’d love to do that but it’s dead important to still be around. It means album three will be tough because we’d like to take time out this year to focus on it so we can write more of our own tracks.”

The band, who release new single ‘Ego’ today, admitted that they wanted more time to pen their own material on current album Wordshaker.

“We’d planned to do that with Wordshaker but because things were going so well we wanted to get it out quickly,” they said. “We wrote the track called ‘Deeper’ and all of our B-sides, so we’re definitely taking a step in the right direction.”

Album three will be tough. Read More »

The Saturdays perform “Ego” and a Christmas Song on GMTV!

The girls appeared on GMTV this morning to perform the forthcoming smash single “Ego” and a Christmas tune.

Sadly the edit that appeared on Blue Peter reared its head again with Una being totally left out (is she sick?) either way these “Ego” performances are barely breaking the 2min point and it looks rather odd .. but anyway you can enjoy the performance (and their dresses) below :

[viddler id=f2a5b2d1&w=545&h=358]

The Saturdays perform “Ego” and a Christmas Song on GMTV! Read More »

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