
In:Demand Dance also looking for support acts

Following on from the previous post where you can win the chance to support The Saturdays at their show in Manchester, it seems Bauer Media is doing the same for the Glasgow show:

In:Demand’s Romeo, has teamed up with The Saturdays to offer one lucky listener a once in a lifetime opportunity to perform as a support act for The Saturdays at their forthcoming Glasgow gig at the SECC in December.

The lucky listener will live and breathe the pop star lifestyle for the day and perform a song of their choice on stage to 10,000 people at the SECC in Glasgow on December 13, 2011.

The winner will get the full pop star treatment with their own dressing room complete with hair and make-up artist to finish off their celebrity look, whilst rubbing shoulders backstage with their new celebrity friends, The Saturdays.

Budding artists who think they have star quality should submit a recorded cover song to be judged by The Saturdays ‘artist and repertoire guru’, Jordan Jay and In:Demand’s Romeo.

All entries must be submitted via MP3 or YouTube link at by Friday, October 28.

A shortlist of five acts will be announced on Friday, November 4.  It’s then up to the public to vote on the website for their favourite act with voting opening on Monday, November 7.

Source: NewsOnNews

In:Demand Dance also looking for support acts Read More »

Who were our Sats missing?

We revealed Mollie’s earlier this week, but here’s the other 4. Congratulations to Anndaroo for winning.

Vanessa (congratulations YasminAli_x):
[viddler id=add97648&w=545&h=349]

Rochelle (congratulations Omydaaizz):
[viddler id=20b1c79b&w=545&h=349]

Una (congratulations wotyougot):
[viddler id=bca55503&w=545&h=349]

Frankie (congratulations missaimee3085):
[viddler id=e2d2316a&w=545&h=349]

All the winners have now been announced, congratulations to you all!

Who were our Sats missing? Read More »

Final competition day, with Frankie!

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It’s time for our final ‘The Saturdays Are Missing Who?’ clip. Today it’s Frankie’s turn to describe someone she misses!

Simply watch her in the video above, then tweet the name of the person you think she is talking about. For example, if you think she’s talking about boyfriend Dougie, then tweet:

#FrankieIsMissing DOUGIE

We’ll be announcing the winner next week!

Final competition day, with Frankie! Read More »

Who is Una Missing?

Day 4 of the competition, and this time it’s Una’s turn… Can you guess who she’s missing? Read the details below the video!

[viddler id=b89202d2&w=545&h=349]

It’s time for the fourth round of our week long competition, ‘The Saturdays Are Missing Who?’. Today it’s Una’s turn to describe someone she misses!

Simply watch her in the video above, then tweet the name of the person you think she is talking about. For example, if you think she’s talking about boyfriend Ben, then tweet:

#UnaIsMissing BEN

We’ll be announcing the winner next week!

And be sure to check by again tomorrow. We’ll have our final ‘Missing Who’ competition clip – it’s Frankie’s turn!

Who is Una Missing? Read More »

Day 3 of the Competition with … Rochelle!

Yet another day of the competition has popped up early in their official sites’ video section, this time it’s Rochelle’s turn! Can you guess who she’s talking about? Read further info below the video …

[viddler id=aaf379c0&w=545&h=349]

It’s time for clip three of our week long competition, ‘The Saturdays Are Missing Who?’. Today it’s Rochelle’s turn to describe someone she misses!

Simply watch her in the video above, then tweet the name of the person you think she is talking about. For example, if you think she’s talking about boyfriend Marvin, then tweet:

#RochelleIsMissing MARVIN

We’ll be announcing the winner next week!

And be sure to check by again tomorrow. We’ll have a brand new ‘Missing Who’ competition clip from one of the other Sats!

Day 3 of the Competition with … Rochelle! Read More »

Who Vanessa is Missing…

[viddler id=48625da6&w=545&h=349]

Their official site has now updated the news, read below!

It’s time for clip two of our week long competition, ‘The Saturdays Are Missing Who?’. Today it’s Vanessa’s turn to describe someone she misses!

Simply watch her in the video above, then tweet the name of the person you think she is talking about. For example, in yesterday’s clip, Mollie was talking about Britney. So you tweeted:

#MollieisMissing BRITNEY

Check back tomorrow when we’ll announce the winner who will receive a SIGNED COPY OF ‘MISSING YOU’. Plus, we will also have a brand new ‘Missing Who’ competition clip from one of the other Sats!

Good luck!

Also: yesterdays’ winner was Anndaroo, congratulations to you for winning a signed copy of ”Missing You”!

Who Vanessa is Missing… Read More »

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