
Today we reach our 9th Birthday ..

Cakes all around! The Saturdays celebrate TheSatsCoUK 9th birthday in style .. with tea and cakes!

Yes, I know, it’s a website, how can it have a birthday? Well really it can’t, but 7th April 2017 is the 9th year, lets say anniversary, of The Saturdays Fansite.

I know I post these every year, and every year it’s pretty much the same, but although updates are a lot less, and what is actually going on is a lot less, we have been around serving The Saturdays (or solo) related tidbits for 9 years. Some of you reading this have probably been coming here for 9 years, others might have just stumbled across this page today whilst searching for The Saturdays, or one of it’s members and what they might or might not be doing recently. Either way thank you for visiting, without the visitors the website would be nothing!

As always a huge thanks to everyone who invested time in this site throughout the years, no matter how large or small the involvement, it was a key involvement in creating what the site had become over the years.

Thanks to Mollie, Frankie, Una, Rochelle and Vanessa for being so supportive over the years with the site, which makes all the hard work worth it. Also thanks to Adam, Sarah, Peter and the rest of the team at Fascination who probably thought they had a break from me .. then they go manage Steps!

Hopefully the girls will continue their own solo ventures over the next 12 months so we can reach the big 10! Here’s to the next 12 months!

Today we reach our 9th Birthday .. Read More »

Happy Birthday To Us – 8 Today!

The Saturdays in 2008

Thanks to @TheSaturdays on twitter for your kind message!

How glamorous! Today is our 8th Birthday, 8 years ago these girls where looking lovely in neon ( Mollie typically in Pink!)

Who would have thought in 2008 that we would still actually be here in 2016? Not sure I did, not sure many here would be thinking the same too! But yet, here we are, 8 years later, 8 years older, and still playing Work at full blast. Things haven’t change too much have they? I mean we have several children in the band now, but apart from that its still the same, right?

Probably not, but we can dream. But here we are, (still) standing right here .. but lets not get too emotional just yet. A few words …

Usual thing every year, thanks to everyone who made this site possible, those at the start whom decided we should do this, to those who helped though the busier times, though to little old me who still clings on with hope in 2016!

Huge thanks to YOU, the visitors, whom still keep visiting in the hope I’ll be able to say NEW SINGLE COMING SOON, but alas it’s not happened (yet), so please keep visiting and hopefully one day.

Finally to the girls themselves, the girls management and label, whom if they didn’t initially complain we where too far ahead of the label 8 years ago, we might not be as known as we are today. I cannot express how grateful I am to the girls theirselves and their management who have been so helpful over the years!

Here’s to the next 12 months, even if it will only contain more EPs from Vanessa and Mollie giving us some 90s pop throwback, whilst Rochelle fights Marvin for the hosting job of The Voice as it moves from the BBC to ITV. (I joke, honestly!)

Either way, keep up to date via Twitter on @TheSatsCoUk or if that doesn’t float your boat hit us up on Facebook or just keep coming back here! We’re not going anywhere until I say so!

All the best, and remember keep living for the weekend by not giving up!

– Matt x

Happy Birthday To Us – 8 Today! Read More »

Happy Birthday Mollie!!

MollieBDay15We celebrate all the girls birthday’s equally here at The Saturdays Fansite, but Mollie’s is always a little more personal, down to the fact we have been involved with her birthday book for many years and more recently her birthday charity donation drives which you guys have donated over £800 towards, which is amazing!

So a huge Happy Birthday to Mollie! This is from myself, Matt, and everyone else who visits this website over the years! We all can’t thank you enough for being the best blonde member of the group 😉

From a personal level, I can’t thank Mollie enough for her personal support towards myself and the site, always there to say hi, thank you, and a laugh – even if she did leave the labels on her jacket zip on Sunday, which she told me off for making a comment 😉 Also for her support for close friends of the site, such as my girlfriend Rosie, and our good friend Claire – whom have also worked on the Birthday Book in recent years. From meeting us last weekend and ‘dragging’ us on the Magnum bus for a chat, to meeting us at Westfield’s basement last year, and even backstage at Birmingham Pride in 2012! Plus the many others out there, whom I’ve met, who Mollie has played a key part in their life!

There is still time to get involved, if you have a spare £1 (or whatever you can afford!) please send a donation to her 2015 Birthday Charity Drive – for the British Heart Foundation. We have raised over £300 now, and would love to reach it higher. So if you can please donate online or text MKBF87 (amount) to 700070 so to donate £5 text MKBF87 £5 to 700070. If you want to contribute to her birthday book, there is still time! Full details can be found here, and send in your contributions to

So I’m sure you will all join me in wishing Mollie (again!) a lovely birthday and have the most wonderful day!

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Mollie’s Birthday Book, Una wins The Voice and more

Hi all!
Just a quick update about Mollie’s birthday book! To help raise additional funds I am personally selling a signed copy of the girls US EP ‘Chasing The Saturdays’ on eBay. 100% of the money is going to this years chosen charity The British Heart Foundation. Please give it a look on eBay and bid if you can!

Last night Una’s act Patrick Donoghue was crowned the winner of The Voice of Ireland! So congrats to Una and Patrick for their fine win. The winners single is on iTunes Ireland now! Una has also expressed her interest in returning to the show for the next series!

Here’s Mollie and more Magnum …

Mollie’s Birthday Book, Una wins The Voice and more Read More »

Happy Birthday – to us! Seven today!

Another year goes by us, and that only means one thing, this site is celebrating its seventh birthday today! 7th April 2008 we finally went publicly live to the world, and to be fair its some feat and achievement that we are still here seven years later. (Well I think it is anyway!)

As always a shout out to everyone who has worked on the site over the years, there have been many, as I always say no matter how big or small, you all worked towards what the site has become, so I thank you all personally.

The next important people are obviously Mollie, Una, Vanessa, Frankie & Rochelle, the team at Fascination and Universal Music respectively. Without the support of the girls, their management and record label over the years we would have been unable to bring you what we have managed to do so, thank you for everything!

We would like to extended our thanks to companies who have allowed us to run competitions over the years and give away freebies to our fans! Without your support it would have cost a lot more, and maybe no competitions would have been able to have worked – from official calendars to tour meet & greets!

Finally the most important is the visitors, there are probably less of you this year visiting us on our 7th year than in years gone by, but I know some of you reading this have been here since Day 1! If you are one than really thank you, without you guys and girls visiting on a daily/weekly/monthly (whatever time frame!) basis, it wouldn’t be worth our efforts updating! So thank you! Even if this is your first visit, welcome, and thank you too!

I usually end these messages with a thought for the upcoming 12 months. Last year was difficult, but we had a tour and album coming out. This year, I would like to give some major group positive news but as we all know both Una and Mollie have said the girls are working on their own solo projects this year, so we might have some music .. but not from the group .. but who really knows right now? You can still donate and get involved in Mollie’s Birthday Book! Plus on a personal note, myself and Rosie are running 10k (6.2miles) in July for the Dyspraxia Foundation at the Great London Run, if you have a spare donation then we would be very thankful!

Either way we plan not to go anywhere, as you have read, we have ‘downsized’ the server we are on now, as we plan to stay but probably don’t need to be spending $50 a month (Yes … thats not a lie!) so now my wallet is thankful for the move, but we are fully expecting to spend the next 12 months updating, just even if the updates are on a less regular basis.

Please follow us on Twitter @TheSatsCoUk and Facebook for social media updates, which could be more regular than the website, but anything major and breaking will be posted here. The personal aim for me is to try and get at least 2-3 updates a week posted, but will depend on how quiet everything is! I like yourselves are hoping for an explosion of news and updates in the near future!

Thanks for the support!

Matt xx

Seven years and counting … The Saturdays Fansite –

Happy Birthday – to us! Seven today! Read More »

Happy Birthday Mollie!!

Happy Birthday to youuuuu …


Today is 4th June, which only means one thing. It’s Mollie’s Birthday!

A huge happy birthday to you Mollie from everyone here at The Saturdays Fansite – and our lovely visitors of course too!!

Remember you can still donate to Mollie’s Birthday Book donation – currently standing at over £420! – by clicking here

In other news Mollie has returned to the UK, and attended the Glamour Women of the Year Awards last night alongside Vanessa and Rochelle. I’ll update the gallery soon (promise!)


Happy Birthday Mollie!! Read More »

Happy Birthday To Us!

In an amazing turn of events, today sees The Saturdays Fansite reach it’s 6th birthday.

As those of you who have been here since Day 1, I generally write a long, drawn out message but this year I’m going to keep it quick and simple.

Never once would I have thought that this site would still be going six years later, it is a pretty amazing achievement, so thank to everyone who has helped over the years.

Secondly huge and personal thanks from me, to each of the five members of The Saturdays, thanks for your kind words over the years and the support that you have shown the site. Also thanks to the girls management and their record label who have also been very kind and supportive over the years.

And last, but never least, major thanks to you, the visitors, who keep coming to the site and seeing what stuff I decide to post on a daily (or so) basis.

I ended last year’s message by saying:

Thank you one and all! Lets hope Year 6 produces the new album, a new tour and everything we can wish for, the same way Year 5 ended with the girls first UK Number One single!

Sadly it seems the number one single isn’t forthcoming, but the tour certainly is!

Here we roll into Year 7 … which is scary and exciting at the same time. Thanks to you all from the deepest part of my heart!

Matt 🙂 x

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