
Confirmed: No new music this year

Those holding out for new music, you are going to have to wait a while. According to Mollie in an article in today’s Irish Independent, everyone is doing their own things in 2015 – which we knew anyway – and there will be no new music from the girls until at least 2016 …

Mollie is quoted as saying (The Saturdays will…) “be recording another album after Christmas so we are doing our own things this year.”

Una has said much the same to fans today in Ireland too.

Full Interview with Mollie, including talking about Alfie (of course!) is on the Irish Independent site

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Casio Sheen

Hey all! Again sorry for the lack of updates recently, been at two concerts in the last week (Little Mix, Katy Perry) and are currently posting this update from a hotel in Leeds as I’m working alongside Rosie (@marvelousmollie) on Mollie’s birthday book – so many people have sent in great work so this will keep us busy this weekend!

Casio Sheen & The Saturdays

The Saturdays are the 2014 ambassadors for the Casio Sheen range of watches – which are available to buy now from H. Samuel or via their website

“Bringing The Saturdays on board as ambassadors was a natural choice because they genuinely reflect  the values of the Sheen brand. The way the girls remain effortlessly elegant whilst juggling a pop career  alongside young families and numerous multimedia ventures is both inspirational and accessible. We  know this will resonate strongly with our target audience.” She adds “The ladies market is a huge  growth area for us, and Casio Sheen’s unique combination of fashion-inspired styling and technological excellence is designed to meet the needs of modern women’s lives”. Jennifer Kelly, Senior Product
Marketing Manager, Casio Sheen

“We were thrilled when asked to be the brand ambassador’s for Casio Sheen. The brand is known for  adding elegance and glamour to an outfit and we love dressing up and feeling stylish, so it was just right  for us! The new range has a colourway to suit every outfit, ideal for the girl who loves to accessorize.”
The Saturdays

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The Saturdays on Sunrise

Yes, I’m as confused as you are, maybe it’s more down to the First Choice sponsoring than anything else.

This morning – as a shock to most of us – the three members of The Saturdays who are in the UK appeared on Sky News’ Sunrise to talk about their favourite summer song, and obviously to plug the tour. All a little random (in my mind anyway), I didn’t record this, but the video of the girls can be watched via Yahoo – so click on this link and give it a watch.

Remember that the girls are touring in September, details on the right. The Greatest Hits is released in August with a single due out soon before that.

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Exams, 30 Days, Rochelle

Morning all!

Firstly a huge good luck to all our visitors sitting exams over the next few weeks. Exam season is well and truly upon us now, from SATS to GCSEs, A-Levels and at Uni too! If you are sitting an exam then we wish you all the very best, we know you can get the results you want! 🙂

On The Saturdays front its all still a little quiet, 30 Days celebrated its 2 year anniversary, two years .. quite amazing to think that the album it was eventually released from only came out 6 or so months ago!

Rochelle was pictured leaving the Paradise Bar with hubby Marvin over the weekend, added a few pictures below.

Mollie was on ‘Tom Daley goes Global’ on ITV on Thursday evening. As I was out all weekend I’ve been unable to edit the show, but I will do so this evening and will pop it up on the site just in case you’ve not seen it yet later this evening.

Una has also confirmed that RTE have commissioned a second series of Una’s Dream Ticket. If you are aged between 8 and 16 and want to live your dream, you can apply to be on the show now! You have until 25th July to enter! 

As I posted previously Mollie and Vanessa should be returning from their holiday’s soon (as this weeks, very odd flip said too) so hopefully we will have movement on the first single from the Greatest Hits soon!

Until tomorrow, or later when I post the video, have a great day 🙂

Exams, 30 Days, Rochelle Read More »

News Round up – 30th April 2014

Happy Hump Day!

I will start by mentioning Mollie’s Birthday Book again, if you want to help out with that all the information can be found here but the main cause for me and the site is the huge generosity that TeamSats have already done in raising money for Dyslexia Action. We are currently at £337, and would love to start May off by reaching £350!! It’s only £13 away, so if you can please reach into your new pay and donate a pound – seriously every little helps. We spoke to the charity just over a week ago and they are so supportive and are amazed by the support so far, so if you can help please do so! 100% of the money raised goes to the Charity, every last penny, so please donate 🙂 All the information you need to donate is on the official JustGiving Page!

In other news, Frankie went to the gym (I know right!) and the Daily Mail got rather excited over her Parker iPhone case (see pictures below!) The Daily Mail also like Mollie’s hat plus Rochelle’s recent attire at Sweat.


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Tuesday Blues

Hi all, hope you are all well.

Sorry for the lack of updates over the last few weeks, as you know I work at a school and it’s been Easter Half-Term. For those who don’t follow us on Twitter, you probably won’t know that I’ve been to a Backstreet Boys and Justin Timberlake concert, as well as meeting up with friends and having a bit of a break.

Sadly I return and not much has happened, Mollie and Vanessa are seemingly on (a month) holiday in the USA. Not Giving Up dropped to number 42 on it’s second week on the charts.

The tour is obviously on sale now (site will be updated with all the tour information in the next 24 hours or so, so keep an eye out for that!)

The site was 6 years old a couple of weeks ago, which is amazing, again a huge thanks to The Saturdays team, for everything, and this cheeky tweet:

I will go though all the e-mails, and messages today, I have a few hundred to sort out, if anything important has happened I will create an update accordingly and tell everyone.

I will also re-edit the MTV Special (below) it’s way out of sync, which is annoying, as it took an age and a half to edit it initially, so I will get that updated, along with all the video pages over the next few days as well.

As per the mailer that went out this weekend, we are expecting a new single alongside further news on the Greatest Hits release in the coming month (or so), but until then it might be another one of those boring times as we all await the tour.

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