
Awesome, the girls are seemingly giving us a taste of summer right now. I presume they will only be performing as a 4 piece, but our calls are being answered team sats! The girls have confirmed another summer show this morning, at the Scarbrough Open Air Theatre on August 24th. So right now the girls are performing at:

– Bord Gáis Energy Theatre – Dublin, Ireland 28th March 2013
– Grand National Opening Day – Aintree, Liverpool 4th April 2013
– Newmarket Racecourse –  Newmarket, Suffolk Saturday 8th June 2013
– Scarborough Open Air Theatre – Scarborough, North Yorkshire Saturday 24th August 2013

We will no doubt be at a couple of these (and more if they add more!) so hopefully will see some of you there! These events the girls are named headliners or co-headliners so will put on a fuller show (60mins+) rather than just 3 or 4 songs and leave 🙂

Festivals across the summer months are still being announced, including major radio events such as the Summertime Ball. Hopefully the girls will be making an apperance at some of these too! 🙂

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Mollie is Cosmo Cover Girl

Our very own Mollie has taken to the media to try and find herself a boyfriend (plus of course she’s on the front cover of Cosmo which is out today – so grab a copy!) I’m sure most of these articles are based on the actual Cosmo article, so here’s a behind the scenes video and a round-up:

Speaking to Cosmopolitan magazine the blonde beauty said: I’ve never had a one-night stand or sex on the first date, and I don’t think I ever would. It’s important for a guy to know and understand me before he can even think about taking things to the next step.

For me, the most attractive thing in a man is the ability to make me laugh. He has to be spontaneous, fun and able to banter – it’s not a job interview, it’s a date! I like day dates, and I like throwing the ball in his court.

I’m enjoying being single and I’m definitely not gagging to be in another relationship. When I go out, I’m not going out to find a man; I’m going out to dance the night away with my best friends.

I want the fairy tale and I’m not going to settle for anything less.’

The Mirror has more from Mollie:

“It’s important for a guy to know and understand me before he can even think about taking things to the next step.”

And by the sounds of things, Mollie’s been listening to Beyonce’s Single Ladies on repeat, because she seems to be LOVING her single life.

“I’m enjoying being single and I’m definitely not gagging to be in another relationship. When I go out, I’m not going out to find a man; I’m going out to dance the night away with my best friends.”

She adds: “The positives [of being single] are huge. I’ve learnt a lot about myself – small things like learning to live by myself and take care of myself. I love that I don’t rely on anyone else or need to lean on anyone else; I can just do things on my own… Being single has definitely given me a new lease of life.”

It’s not non-stop girls’ night out fun however, as Mollie confesses that she’s found heartbreak hard.

“Having your heart broken is hard at the best of times, but being in the public eye has definitely made it harder for me,” she says.

“The point is, you don’t want your ex to read how you’re feeling – or vice versa.

“I’ve had my heart broken and it’s the hardest thing. Everyone says, ‘Give it time, you’ll feel better in the morning.’ But you don’t. You feel like it’s never, ever going to heal – especially during the first few weeks.

“For me it’s always been like, ‘Have I done the right thing? Have I made the right decision?’ You start to doubt yourself, because you still miss that person. It’s like a habit that’s been taken away from you, and you feel lost.”

And it seems as though it took some time to get used to her newly single status, describing it as a “shock”.

“This is my first time being properly single and at first I had that shock of, ‘Oh my god, who do I call at night when I go to sleep? Who do I call if I get upset?’ But I just needed to adapt to that person not being around. Being single has forced me to grow up and be more independent, and that’s something I’m really proud of.”

If you’re interested in wooing the sexy star (that’ll be every man reading, then), read on to discover what you’ll need to fill the man-shaped hole in Mollie’s life.

“For me, the most attractive thing in a man is the ability to make me laugh. He has to be spontaneous, fun and able to banter – it’s not a job interview, it’s a date! I like day dates, and I like throwing the ball in his court.”

She adds: “When I was a teenager I wanted a surfer dude; now I want a man – someone who’s confident and who’ll look after me, and who won’t play games.”

Despite featuring in pretty much every ‘world’s sexiest women’ list going, Mollie says she doesn’t know how to feel sexy, but thinks sexiness is all about being confident.

“Your personality is what makes you sexy,” she says. “The way you hold and deliver yourself. The women I think are sexy in any given room aren’t necessarily the best-looking, but they have an aura and a confidence about them that just gives off sex appeal.”

“In all honesty I don’t really know how to feel sexy. But I do think it’s all about being yourself. Don’t transform into someone else, because people can see through that. Sexy is being independent, being confident and having fun.”

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Golden Globes … Frankie B’Day

The Saturdays - Golden Globes 2013

Firstly, Happy Birthday Frankie! From everyone here at The Saturdays Fansite! Who turns 24 today! 🙂 Have a great day!

Well well well, last night our lovely ladies attended the Golden Globes. For those who aren’t aware it’s start of the award season with ends with the the Oscars! The girls walked down the red carpet and performed at the NBC After party too! Nice gig if you can get it right?

Obviously at time of me posting this (9.40am, UK Time) the Golden Globes are only just winding down so information is still filtering through. I’ll keep updating this news item throughout today, pictures will be added shortly, so keep checking back for the latest 🙂

Here’s a video of the girls on the red carpet, from E! (who else?)

There is also a video of the girls on Huffington Post but its sadly blocked in the UK so one for our American visitors to view there.

Just to add, I know PopJustice the other day said that the girls new album is called ‘The Chase’ but they also said a lot of it is unconfirmed. Hopefully they can dig up some additional information on it soo!

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Chelsea Lately – Interview

Last night our girls appeared on American TV for their first ever TV Interview, this took place on the E! show Chelsea Lately, you can now watch this interview below:

Our usual video sharing rules apply. If you want to link directly to this news item then use this link http://bit.ly/U7hdEx and if you want to embed the video on your site/blog/tumblr etc then Vimeo have a raft of options on their site, and pretty please just give a link back to us www.the-saturdays.co.uk 🙂

Please let us know what you thought of it via Twitter and Facebook

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‘What About Us’ Music Video – Premieres Friday

The US version (e.g. without Sean Paul) of the ‘What About Us’ music video is set to premiere this Friday (11th January) at 8am (UK Time) The girls official site have posted this gif from the music video to tease everyone …

What About Us - Music Video
What About Us – Music Video
What About Us Musc Video
What About Us Musc Video


The Saturdays have also been chosen to be the first artists of 2013 for the VEVO Lift series! I assume the premiere forms part of this. More will be revealed from this friday at http://www.vevo.com/lift

Source: Official Site


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Happy New Year!!

Everyone here at The Saturdays Fansite wishes every single one of our visitors a Happy New Year!!

2013 could become the ‘make or break’ year for The Saturdays (if we like it or not!) the girls will be heading back to the US to attempt to break the US market with ‘What About Us’ then heading back to the UK to re-establish themselves back in the UK after the (relative) failure of the ‘On Your Radar’ album. I’m sure that the girls management have everything planned out for their attack on the UK charts again, we all hope that the seemingly 6 month wait for the UK release of ‘What About Us’ won’t hurt the girls.

2013 does seem to be an interesting year for the girls, Rochelle and Marvin’s little-un is on the way, obviously their attack on the US with the TV Show, and of course their re-establishment back in the UK, working with super producer Rodney Jerkins (who is also rumoured to be the Exec-Producer of the new Britney album, which I’m sure Mollie is also excited for) could see the girls have a different sound to those the UK (as a whole) knows the girls for. This could be a very clever move from the girls label and management as even the most hardcore The Saturdays fan will say that they’ve not had the greatest 18 months in the UK (Tour aside!) or obviously there is the whole risk that the UK will be “wait this isn’t the group we love” and shun it. Either way its a pretty exciting time for us as fans as we finally get to hear the girls labours as we fire up the CD and dance around the bedroom!

Either way 2013 should be exciting, a time for change for everyone, including us here, so fingers crossed change in 2013 is positive one for everyone. 🙂

Have a great year TeamSats!

– The Saturdays Website Team.

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The Saturdays to play debut NYC Show

Listen up New York TeamSats! The girls are coming to you!!

The Saturdays are playing the Highline Ballroom in New York on Thursday 17th January 2013! They will be performing all the hits, including the brand new single ‘What About Us’

Tickets go on sale this Friday (21st December) via Ticketweb – what a lovely early Christmas Present that would be! Make sure if you are in the area to pop down and give the girls your support!!

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Chasing The Saturdays & What About Us

@TheSaturdays have been featured on the Ryan Seacrest website, as you know he is the host of such shows such as American Idol and also has a radio show in the US, he typically seen on major US entertainment shows on hosting duties.

He has posted a clip of ‘What About Us’ on his site along with confirming that the new US TV series, ‘Chasing The Saturdays’ will premiere on Sunday 20th January 2013!

Source: Ryan Seacrest

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