Happy Thursday! 
Our own Una Foden is the cover girl on Women’s Fitness magazine (out now!) to talk about getting her post-baby body back again, via the Daily Mail:
Una, who is married to rugby star Ben Foden, told the magazine: ‘I’m aware I’m getting a bit older and after having a baby I have to work harder.
‘My abs were the hardest part to tone after pregnancy. My tummy felt like jelly for a while and it’s much more difficult to tone than it used to be.’
However, she added: ‘How you look is the last thing on your mind when you have a baby.’
Una shared her exercise and diet tips with Women’s Fitness.
She said she believes people should not cut out any food groups and that they should keep a food diary as a way of tracking what they are actually eating.
She also recommends filling up on as much fruit and vegetables as possible.
She also explained that when she exercises she is careful to ensure she always warns up and cools down properly so as to avoid damaging her muscles.
She suggests that people wanting a flat stomach try a 20 minute interval session of cardio activity, combined with press-ups, squats and lunges.
Una credits her healthy diet and her sporty childhood for her enviable figure.
She said: ‘I used to swim competitively as a kid. I spent most of my childhood in the water and I also took up athletics at school.’
She added: ‘I love golf and I still walk quite a lot. I’m also into home exercise DVDs.
‘At the moment I love Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred as it’s really intense. It’s perfect for me because, as a mum, it’s difficult for me to get to the gym all the time.
‘Dancing and performing keeps me fit. I don’t have a personal trainer at the moment, but if I was working towards a goal then I’d get one – not just to help me get fit, but to stop me running out of breath when I’m on stage!’
Una also works hard to ensure her diet is healthy.
She told Women’s Fitness:‘I start my day with a probiotic drink as it’s fabulous for digestion. Then I’ll have a banana if I’m on the go, followed by granola with yoghurt.’
For lunch she says she has something light like a chicken and noodle soup with a bread roll.
As for dinner, she said:‘I try to have dinner by 6pm and it’s usually something like roast chicken or baked salmon or cod with broccoli and potatoes. Broccoli is my favourite veg as it’s high in iron.’
Una says she snacks on fruit and vegetables – such as carrots and cucumber – throughout the day.