Vanessa White

This is news about 1/5 of The Saturdays, Vanessa White.

Vanessa’s Favourites

Starbucks vs Café Nero
Starbucks, because I love the frappès!! Caramel is the best.

Singing vs Dancing
Singing all the way. It’s my life.

Outer space vs Ocean deep
Ocean deep. I’m not really sure what this means but I like the ocean!

Dogs vs Cats
Dogs. Only because I really want one!

Cowboys vs Indians
Yeeehaaaa! Cowboys. I would love to be a cowboy for the day!

Eastenders vs Coronation Street
Eastenders! Although I don’t really watch either to be honest…

Day vs Night
Night because that’s when Vanessa is more awake 🙂

North vs South
South. I’m not sure why it just seems to appeal more to me.

Quiet vs Loud
Loud because I can be very loud especially after sweets and a fizzy drink.

Good vs Bad
Bad because it’s a lot more fun, don’t you think?

Black vs White
Black. Love my LBD!!!

Long vs Short
Short simply because I am very short!

PC vs Mac
Mac…I have no idea about computers but macs look nicer

Blackberry vs iPhone
iPhone! I really really really want one!

Ant vs Dec
They both seem really nice!

Full fat vs Diet Coke
Full fat all the way! I love sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Britain’s Got Talent vs X Factor
X Factor…. I haven’t actually watched Britain’s got talent, am I missing out?

Girls vs Boys
I love both girls and boys equally.

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Vanessa Blogs – “Hey Vanessa here!!”

Vanessa The Saturdays


Hey Vanessa here!!

We’ve just finished doing 2 shows in Aberdeen!! It was so nice to see another city. The shows went really really well! The Scots were a brilliant crowd, they never fail to let us down.

Unfortunately we had bad weather so we couldn’t do our daily shop but that’s ok, we’ve got plenty of time for that!

Were currently just driving to Liverpool and I can’t wait to get there. We haven’t been in the car long so we’ve got a few more hours to go!! Help!! Im not too great with car journeys. I’m a sufferer of car sickness, but hopefully I’ll be alright today!

I can’t believe we’ve nearly finished the tour, it’s gone so fast! I’m so not ready to go home yet! Its been the most amazing month!

For everyone that’s watching the show in Liverpool I’ll see you there!!

Hope everyone has a great week!


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Vanessa Blog

Vanessa The Saturdays


Hey everyone, hope everyone’s good!!

I’ve just had the most amazing weekend. We did 2 nights at 02 in London!

I can honestly say I’ve never performed in front of so many people in my life or seen that many for that matter, it was unreal! It only really hit me in the middle of performing ‘ISSUES’ coz that’s the only track where we literally just sing. I just saw thousands and thousands of lights! I had to pinch myself! Definitely had a Vanessa moment then! We all came off stage buzzing! I then decided to watch GA for like the 3rd time now lol (can’t get enough) They just amaze me.

After all that fun and games we went to a wicked party that Girls Aloud were throwing for everyone involved in the tour. EVERYONE was there and it was really nice to socialise with everyone when you’re not just about to rush on to stage. My bubble burst though when we had to get back in the car at about midnight and drive to Cardiff!! It took three and a half hours so we arrived at 3.30am. I headed straight to bed. It was all worth it in the end though coz Cardiff was brilliant and so much fun!! Right now I’m back in the car which is now officially my second home 🙂 Its quite funny really. I can hear Rochelle in the front chatting away on the phone, Mollie in front of me listening to Britney, Frankie sitting next to her with her packet of sweets and Una next to me with her legs stretched out asleep!! Home sweet home!!!


Love Vanessa
xxx 🙂

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Vanessa blogs

Vanessa The Saturdays

Hope everyone is well. Weve just finished doing our second show in Glasgow and it was so much fun. I’m still buzzing! There was a lovely warmth about the crowd here which is always really nice!

Me and Una didnt hear our alarm this morning and missed breakfast. We literally ran down the stairs in our pjs with no makeup on and had to eat in like 5 minutes. I was actually still in my dream……what a sight!

Rochelle’s just come into mine and Una’s room and we’ve ordered room service which I am overly excited about. Its so nice to have your girls with you, we were just saying today how hard it must be if you were a solo artist because most of the time you’d have to go back to your hotel with no one but yourself. I would be soo bored and wouldn’t know what to do….o gosh im blabbing now sorry guys lol! Im just gonna quickly tell you about tomorrow and I’ll be done, promise! We’ve got to get up really early (I hope I make it) and then we’re travelling by car to Bournemouth. Its gonna be like an 8 hour drive!! I’m going to try and sleep there!

I’m signing out now, girls gotta get their beauty sleep lol!!

Nite xxx

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