Vanessa White

This is news about 1/5 of The Saturdays, Vanessa White.

Vanessa envy, Mollie parties and more!

Hey all! It’s Monday and Not Giving Up is released in under 2 weeks, but a little more on that later.

Firstly we start with Vanessa, and how she felt envious about other members of the group!

Vanessa White admits she used to be jealous of the other Saturdays.

The singer, who was just 17 when the group got signed, struggled with her self-esteem when she started to gain a bit of weight in the band’s early days.

‘People nicknamed me “the Fat Saturday”,’ says Vanessa, 24.

‘We’d be driving round the country all the time doing promo and were always eating McDonald’s.

‘I went from being a tiny size 6, doing dance classes and gymnastics at school, to eating junk food.

‘I was never huge – the biggest I got was a size 10 – but, because I’m only 5ft 1in, I looked bigger.

‘Being labelled “fat” just made me even more shy.’

Vanessa felt even worse when she compared herself to her bandmates.

‘I envied the other girls so much,’ she tells Fabulous Magazine.

‘I’d see how confident Rochelle [Humes] was, and the way Frankie [Sandford], Una [Healy] and Mollie [King] could eat anything and stay super thin.

‘I used to look at them and think they were so sorted – particularly Rochelle and Una. They were always so sure of themselves.

‘It’s just taken me that little bit longer.’

Via Now Magazine

Next up, Mollie was out and about in London town on Saturday night, not much else to say but I’ve added a few pictures of Mollie at the end of this article for your viewing pleasure.

Now to move onto the new single, Not Giving Up, unless you have been hiding under a rock the last few weeks you will know that it’s out in under 2 weeks now. You will also now that the song is (still) the only single to date that Radio 1 haven’t play listed. Which in itself isn’t too bad, I mean songs have done well without the support of Radio 1, but it does mean we are all going to have to work that little bit more.

As the week goes on we should get information about TV and Radio airplay, although (sadly) I’m not expecting much.
It might also worry some people that Little Mix (with the Sport Relief Charity Single) wobbled around the lower end of iTunes all week last week, and Pixie Lott did tons of promo and only just managed a Top 10. Traditional Pop is (seemingly) taking a bit of a hit right now sadly.

Promo details are still very sparse,  we do know the girls are on Lorraine, on Friday 4th April, the TV guide doesn’t mention performance, it just says the girls are there to chat about Not Giving Up, and maybe more exciting to some, the tour. More TV should appear soon, or hopefully an announcement will be soon. As soon as we hear anything else we will tweet it out!
As for the tour, I do expect a tour announcement soon (hopefully before the 4th, I assume April 4th might be the on-sale date, or maybe on the Saturday 5th), I also expect to be taking place in September/October (as I’ve also mentioned in the past). Theatres/Arenas/Combination, honestly have no idea. I know September doesn’t sit well with a lot of people due to University, and it’s a busy month for a lot of TeamSats members who will be starting Uni, but lets see and wait for confirmation!

Hopefully all will become clearer over the next 12 or so days. But it seems, a bit like the other ‘fan single’, Work, this is going to be a tough one (but I do hope I’m wrong!!)

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Vanessa Very VIP!

On Wednesday our lovely Vanessa attended The Very VIP party on Wednesday evening. Not much information about it (that I can find) but obviously some sort of get together for various celebs and the like! I’ve added a few pictures of Vanessa below.

The Saturdays new single ‘Not Giving Up’ is released in just over 2 weeks – 6th April – you can pre-order the single now (links to the right of this post!)


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Vanessa’s alcohol dependance.


Good Monday Morning! Hope you all had a good weekend, I was up the Emirates Stadium yesterday catching the Arsenal game, so I start today with Vanessa’s chat with The Sun’s fabulous magazine:

Vanessa White has revealed that she battled with a drinking problem that threatened to destroy her and her band The Saturdays.

Speaking to Sunday’s Fabulous magazine, the 24-year-old confessed that her dependence on alcohol left her depressed.

She revealed: “My life started to spin out of control in 2010 and it was a dreadful year.

“I’d be out every night. I went to G.A.Y., mainly because I didn’t want to be hassled by men and just wanted to drink.

“I drank vodka mainly but, to be honest, I drank anything. It massively affected the band and I felt lonely and depressed.”

Her drinking got so bad that it also threatened to ruin her career due to the effect it was having on her vocals.

She continued: “I didn’t know who I was underneath everything I was supposed to be. I’d arrive for work every morning hungover, then my voice started to go.

“I’d have to ask Una to cover my solos.”

In 2011 her problem reached crisis point and it was band mate Rochelle Humes who finally came to her rescue.

She said: “One night, I called Rochelle in a state.

“She told me to come to hers and I stayed with her for two weeks, not drinking, and eating properly. It made me realise I had to stop.”

I admit I didn’t grab the paper yesterday and The Sun is sadly a website that sits behind a paywall, so if you bought it and are willing to scan it for us to share with everyone then please e-mail them over to us 🙂

Vanessa’s alcohol dependance. Read More »

Vanessa Stops Partying

Vanessa White

Happy Tuesday all! The week is slowly moving on, it will be the weekend soon, and remember, it’s nearly Christmas! I do accept presents 😉

Anyway some proper news, apparently Vanessa is going to stop partying *shock*

Vanessa told the HELLO magazine: “I’d been partying way too much, not taking care of myself and I felt rubbish. We’re all very honest with one another and we will sit each other down and say, ‘This is getting out of control’.

“If I hadn’t had them, it would have been so easy to have gone off the rails and kept up the partying until it became a problem. You need people around you to say, ‘Right, this is too much now,’ and fortunately, I have that.”

The brunette beauty said she started eating more healthily, reining in the nights out and working with a personal trainer three times a week. Vanessa has now dropped a dress size in five months.

She added: “I have a trainer who gets me running, doing squats, lifting weights, and sometimes I feel like I can’t breathe, it’s so hard.

“Afterwards, though, I feel amazing and it’s great when you start seeing the results. I’m never going to have a small bum, but it’s toned now and that makes me happy.”

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Strictly Come Rochelle, Frankie Returns

Hey all! It’s another happy Monday, right?

We start off with the news over the weekend about Frankie’s imminent return. Obviously there has been a lot of talk about, well everything, to do with the group, from them calling it a day (or not), from more babies, from Rochelle getting sick, and now we have news of Frankie’s return!

If you head over to CapitalFM they have an audio snippet from Vanessa confirming Frankie’s return who is apparently back ‘before Christmas’ the girls play their first of three Christmas Shows this weekend at Free Radio Live in Birmingham so maybe she’s back for these shows? We are live from the event in Birmingham this weekend so keep it here for the latest – yes we do have tickets!

Rochelle is rumoured to be on a Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special, nothing confirmed on that just yet, but just a little rumour that is circulating around the Internet right now. Apparently everything is to be confirmed at 6.30pm this evening. So as soon as we hear anything we will update.

We will also be launching our competition soon to win an official 2014 calendar! More details in the next day or so, just need to tidy up a few things and work out how it can be sent out, as it’s fairly large!

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Mollie attends Harper’s Bazaar Awards


Seems our very own Mollie King continues to climb her way into various fashion circles. Last night she attended the Harper’s Bazaar Women of the Year Awards. Mollie attended the show in an Gucci outfit that has caused a bit of a stir (in various ways) – I’ve added a few pictures below, see what you all think!

Not to be left out, Vanessa attended the Call of Duty: Ghosts launch the other night, I’ve added a picture of the lovely Vanessa below.

Should also add that the Charity walk with Mollie has already jumped £200 since yesterday and the highest bid is now £720! Amazing!

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