The Saturdays

This is generic news about The Saturdays.

Una: No plans to reunite for 10th anniversary

Maybe we should throw in the towel?

Today Una was at The Sun talking about her ‘debut’ solo single – out tomorrow – and has poured more ice over a potential The Saturdays reunion.

“It has been ten years since we first met so we will definitely do something together but it will be more a personal, private thing that we do.

“I don’t think there will be any performances or anything this year.

“It will be ten years next year since we released our first single so maybe next year.

“But this year I really don’t think any reunion will be happening musically though obviously us girls are really good friends. We will do something, definitely.”

The long wait continues ….


Una: No plans to reunite for 10th anniversary Read More »

Year Review 2016: Oh what a year …

Seasons greetings from The Saturdays Fansite. I hope everyone is enjoying time with friends and family and getting into the festive spirit and enjoying yourselves. As you can tell Mollie is getting into the festive spirit and fully endorsing Fascination and their management of the upcoming Steps re-reunion!  It’s a time to enjoy as 2016 has been an eventful year in so many different ways. I’m sure we are all looking back over the last 12 months and thinking … did that really happen?!?

I wasn’t going to bother posting anything but I thought I’d keep this going. It’s been 12 months exactly since I posted the 2015 review. I called that the year of nothing and wrongly predicted that we would have an album out this year. What we have seen a least is Una actually announcing an album which is actually out sooner than we think! Mollie did eventually release a single but due to what we can only assume is big label politics she’s been recording – again! She did perform a new song a few months ago but little has come of that! Vanessa is still recording too, so potentially 2017 has a lot of music coming, just not from The Saturdays! Not to forget the Humes family are expecting their second child too! In s few years The Voice a kids can officially have their mini-Saturdays!

Their official site has been up and down a lot recently, plus the management team are behind the – not to secret – Steps re-reunion for 2017 – too. Which gives me something as many of you know in the 90s I ran a Steps website, which is still online, just as an archive these days!

Ultimately we are still here and going. Hopefully 2017 will give us something more substantial to post and update. I cannot thank you all enough for supporting us though the many years we’ve been online. A lot of you still visit hoping for some exciting news but sadly I’ve not been able to bring it to you yet!

Lets hope 2017 is better for us all!

– Matt

Year Review 2016: Oh what a year … Read More »

Mollie ‘set to surprise’ with solo album


Mollie has been chatting to Fault Magazine about her upcoming solo album.

In the interview Mollie chats about her new record, saying that ‘its on the cusp’ of being released, and although its still a pop record it is ‘stylistically’ different from that of The Saturdays, which is apparently shown with the first single.

She says that the music video has been shot and that we should have music very soon. Reports suggest that her album might be released at some time in 2017.


Mollie ‘set to surprise’ with solo album Read More »

The State of Play

Hello! It’s been a while, and you’d expect a ton of news that has happened, but sadly this isn’t the case … in a positive start Una’s debut album is apparently finished *cough Mollie cough*

Guess that’s a start at least! No news on a lead single, or if she’s going to release it everywhere, or just aim at the Irish market to start with. But will probably have more news on that shortly!

Mollie, well, despite rumours last month that she was shooting the music video, we still don’t have anything. The perils of being signed to a major label, they want everything to be perfect. Hopefully we will be getting something soon, otherwise we will be getting that summer song in mid-winter! Which well … that’s very Saturdays at times isn’t it?

Since the release of her debut EP, Vanessa has been more quiet, I must admit I’ve not been keeping up with all which is going on, it’s been nice to have a break after all these years! Rochelle and Frankie just seem pretty content with life right now – an who really blames them?


The State of Play Read More »

Forever Is Over? Day & Night Ventures Liquidated

Reports today that The Saturdays own performance firm ‘Day & Night Ventures’ has been liquidated earning each member a cool €314,000 before tax.

Reporting in the Irish Sun – suggests that the liquidation is being overseen by Limerick based accountant to the stars, Alan McEvoy of Livewire Business Management (LBM).

Day and Night Ventures Ltd’s declaration of solvency lodged with Companies House in the UK show that it had £67,777 in cash at the bank and £1.23m in other assets.

After the estimated £10,000 in relation to the costs of liquidation and £52,601 in corporation tax are taken into account, the estimated surplus for the firm after paying debts is £1.242m.

With no performance company to plow their money into would suggest that this break for the group really is an extended one. As the report says there’s no reason to why a new company could be setup, but it would suggest that a group reunion isn’t on the cards in the foreseeable future.

Forever Is Over? Day & Night Ventures Liquidated Read More »

Happy Birthday To Us – 8 Today!

The Saturdays in 2008

Thanks to @TheSaturdays on twitter for your kind message!

How glamorous! Today is our 8th Birthday, 8 years ago these girls where looking lovely in neon ( Mollie typically in Pink!)

Who would have thought in 2008 that we would still actually be here in 2016? Not sure I did, not sure many here would be thinking the same too! But yet, here we are, 8 years later, 8 years older, and still playing Work at full blast. Things haven’t change too much have they? I mean we have several children in the band now, but apart from that its still the same, right?

Probably not, but we can dream. But here we are, (still) standing right here .. but lets not get too emotional just yet. A few words …

Usual thing every year, thanks to everyone who made this site possible, those at the start whom decided we should do this, to those who helped though the busier times, though to little old me who still clings on with hope in 2016!

Huge thanks to YOU, the visitors, whom still keep visiting in the hope I’ll be able to say NEW SINGLE COMING SOON, but alas it’s not happened (yet), so please keep visiting and hopefully one day.

Finally to the girls themselves, the girls management and label, whom if they didn’t initially complain we where too far ahead of the label 8 years ago, we might not be as known as we are today. I cannot express how grateful I am to the girls theirselves and their management who have been so helpful over the years!

Here’s to the next 12 months, even if it will only contain more EPs from Vanessa and Mollie giving us some 90s pop throwback, whilst Rochelle fights Marvin for the hosting job of The Voice as it moves from the BBC to ITV. (I joke, honestly!)

Either way, keep up to date via Twitter on @TheSatsCoUk or if that doesn’t float your boat hit us up on Facebook or just keep coming back here! We’re not going anywhere until I say so!

All the best, and remember keep living for the weekend by not giving up!

– Matt x

Happy Birthday To Us – 8 Today! Read More »



No, I’m not singing the Adele song, I don’t have the voice to pull that off! Just thought it’s time for a friendly post to say, hello!!

So what is going on? Well we are approaching our 8th birthday in a little over a month, more on that in April. Eight years … and sadly its never been more quiet really.

Musically … Vanessa is recording a second EP, Una is in the recording studio laying down the music to her upcoming album.

Mollie’s first single could be called ‘Reckless Heart’, as being reported on pop justice. Written by Mollie and Steve Anderson (who is known for his work with Kylie, also worked on ‘Breathe On Me’ by Britney Spears), hopefully we will hear more on this in the coming weeks!

Frankie is seemingly happy with two children for now in a recent magazine interview and Rochelle has seemingly lend some vocals to her husbands Luv Bug venture but we presume she is still working on various TV roles.

Hopefully we’d have more music from the three going solo sooner rather than later, be a nice birthday present if so!

Keep playing The Saturdays, we’re not giving up yet!

Hello!! Read More »

Happy New Year – Una goes solo!

It’s 2016 everyone, so a Happy New Year! What does 2016 mean .. The Saturdays Reunion? Don’t count on it …

Una has been speaking to the Irish Mirror and has confirmed that she plans to bring out a solo record in 2016, so alongside Mollie and Vanessa (whom is dropping a 3rd single this week) so we are as distant as ever from a group reunion (sorry!)

Una’s music is seemingly going to be acoustic guitar driven with country influences, so probably as far away from The Saturdays as you can get, and we expect it to do pretty well in Ireland where she can get a lot of helping promotion from The Voice. Una says the usual about The Saturdays reunion:

“We are doing our own thing and allowing ourselves that time to explore different things. We have been together for quite a while so we can afford to take the time out now. We’ll come back together when we feel the time is right.”

As a lot of fans, including ourselves, have noticed that we’ve gone from ‘Yes we will reunite’ to a more ‘when the time is right’ sort of situation which seems to be the official buzz coming from the girls on the whole. I would imagine until someone goes solo at full speed we won’t get the full story, which means we probably won’t get more until the Island label decide that its time for Mollie to go solo, as she’s still the only member with a major contract deal right now.

Remember we still plan to update the site, but it will probably become a weekly fixture until someone actually decides to go full tilt at the solo career musically. Obviously it goes without saying that Rochelle is back on our TV screens on Warror Ninja UK which restarted on ITV1 last weekend. Frankie is also on the Strictly tour which starts very soon as well!

Happy New Year – Una goes solo! Read More »