Rochelle Humes

This is news about 1/5 of The Saturdays, Rochelle Humes

Why do The Saturdays Tours start in Scotland?

Thursday’s question of the day is ‘Why do The Saturdays always start their tours in Scotland?’

The Scottish Daily Record has the answer!

Rochelle has revealed one of the reasons so many of The Saturdays tours start in Glasgow – the shopping. With the girls again kicking off a national tour in Scotland’s biggest city, the pop princess confessed premium shopping precinct Buchanan Street has become part of her pre-show ritual. And while the Style Mile may very well be an appropriate place for one of the hottest groups around, Rochelle reckons Glasgow has a lot more going for it than just the boutiques.

She said: “I’m loving the fact we’re starting the tour in Glasgow. It’s something we always try and do. It’s a great city and they always love to make a serious noise. The way that they go crazy, you don’t need to ask them twice. We do quite a lot of shopping in Glasgow. It’s part of the pre-show ritual. It’s not supposed to be, but it’s always what ends up happening!”

The Saturdays are hitting Glasgow in support of their greatest hits album, set for release in August. Fans needn’t worry though. The girl band say they’ve far from run their course, with plans to get into the studio later in 2014 for their fifth studio album. Aimed at being a celebration of their six years together, it features 13 top 10 singles, plus three new tracks.

Rochelle explained: “We’re on our 18th single so we thought why not now, we want to make sure it all fits on one CD.

“Making it brought on loads of fond memories, it’s mad when you look back at old videos and stuff.

“Looking back my favourite moment to date was the first number one. We didn’t get it until our 14th single so it was a long time coming, loads of times we were pipped to the post at the last moment.”

But with the birth of their daughter, Alaia-Mai last May, does she find it tough being in the band?

“Not at all, other than the obvious demands on time. We’re lucky that we both understand what comes of the industry – if anything it’s a plus. Having a daughter changed my outlook on everything, she’s my number one. There are a lot of working mothers in the world and I think I just have a slightly different job to everyone else. I’m just lucky I can bring my daughter with me.”

Luckily for Rochelle, Buchanan Street does boast plenty of high-end infant fashion. The Saturdays play Clyde Auditorium Sunday, September 7.

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Rochelle for Very

Good Monday all! Hope your weekend was good!


If you aren’t content with Mollie’s range for Oasis, you now have another option – of course unless you are male – Rochelle has launched a line with online retailer

“Creating my first fashion line has been a dream come true,” Rochelle said.
“I’ve always loved fashion but now felt like the right time for me to create easy-to-wear pieces and include something for everyone and I think working with I’ve achieved that.”

Jon Owen, Very retail directior added: “We’re delighted Rochelle brings with her a wealth of fashion experience to make the world of celebrity style more accessible to our customers and we are anticipating a fantastic response.”
If you are itching to buy, the first line of clothes will be available from 12th June – This Thursday – with the rest of the collection available from the 17th July – from

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Rochelle talks babies

Hey all, its a Thursday News day!

OK Magazine caught up with the girls at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards the other day. Where Rochelle talks about baby number two … Rochelle said:

“We (her and Marvin) are definitely going to go for number two, but I’m definitely enjoying being not pregnant for a while.”

In other news the girls will be filming their new music video shortly, so we should finally have some new music in the coming month (or so) the girls are also playing their first summer date in just under a couple of weeks too.

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Exams, 30 Days, Rochelle

Morning all!

Firstly a huge good luck to all our visitors sitting exams over the next few weeks. Exam season is well and truly upon us now, from SATS to GCSEs, A-Levels and at Uni too! If you are sitting an exam then we wish you all the very best, we know you can get the results you want! 🙂

On The Saturdays front its all still a little quiet, 30 Days celebrated its 2 year anniversary, two years .. quite amazing to think that the album it was eventually released from only came out 6 or so months ago!

Rochelle was pictured leaving the Paradise Bar with hubby Marvin over the weekend, added a few pictures below.

Mollie was on ‘Tom Daley goes Global’ on ITV on Thursday evening. As I was out all weekend I’ve been unable to edit the show, but I will do so this evening and will pop it up on the site just in case you’ve not seen it yet later this evening.

Una has also confirmed that RTE have commissioned a second series of Una’s Dream Ticket. If you are aged between 8 and 16 and want to live your dream, you can apply to be on the show now! You have until 25th July to enter! 

As I posted previously Mollie and Vanessa should be returning from their holiday’s soon (as this weeks, very odd flip said too) so hopefully we will have movement on the first single from the Greatest Hits soon!

Until tomorrow, or later when I post the video, have a great day 🙂

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News Round up – 30th April 2014

Happy Hump Day!

I will start by mentioning Mollie’s Birthday Book again, if you want to help out with that all the information can be found here but the main cause for me and the site is the huge generosity that TeamSats have already done in raising money for Dyslexia Action. We are currently at £337, and would love to start May off by reaching £350!! It’s only £13 away, so if you can please reach into your new pay and donate a pound – seriously every little helps. We spoke to the charity just over a week ago and they are so supportive and are amazed by the support so far, so if you can help please do so! 100% of the money raised goes to the Charity, every last penny, so please donate 🙂 All the information you need to donate is on the official JustGiving Page!

In other news, Frankie went to the gym (I know right!) and the Daily Mail got rather excited over her Parker iPhone case (see pictures below!) The Daily Mail also like Mollie’s hat plus Rochelle’s recent attire at Sweat.


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Tours, Oasis, Rochelle and more

Hey all! It’s a brand new month, it’s April, but no April Fool’s here (seriously!) just a round up of what is going on.

The big thing is the tour talk, lots of so called tour posters floating around online, I’m lead to believe they are false, the tour is set to take place in September, and I do believe it is likely to be in theatres. I won’t second guess the dates, we will have them by Friday (at the latest) and hopefully an announcement will be sooner than that. We do expect tickets to be on sale next week. But more information as soon as it becomes official.

Mollie last night officially launched her new Oasis range. The new ‘Loved By Mollie’ range will hit your nearest Oasis store (and online) from next Monday – 7th April. Although with the tour also (probably) on sale that week you might need to decide what is more important 😉

Rochelle had her birthday party this weekend past, although Mollie was absent, a lot of other famous friends attended. I’ve added a few pictures below if you’ve not see them yet. Everyone loves a Disney party right?

The Promo for Not Giving Up was announced at the weekend too, sadly only two performances. I will be posting an update on Friday regarding videos for the site. I’m not set to be home when the main promo is being done, I have two concerts on Saturday and Tuesday in Manchester, but will update you all on Friday.

Daybreak (Friday 4th April 14 – Interview)
Saturday Night Takeaway (Sat 5th April – Interview)
Sunday Brunch (Sunday 6th April – Interview)
This Morning (Monday 7th April – Interview + Performance)
Loose Women (Wednesday 9th April – Interview + Performance)

Remember ‘Not Giving Up’ is released digitally this Sunday at midnight! Pre-Order now using the links on the side.

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