Rochelle Humes

This is news about 1/5 of The Saturdays, Rochelle Humes

Interview with Rochelle (Digitalspy)

Monday, September 28 2009, 06:18 BST

By David Balls, Music Reporter

The Saturdays

With Sugababes imploding from within and Girls Aloud on hiatus, could there be a better time for The Saturdays to establish themselves as Britain’s biggest girlband? Their debut album went platinum after spinning off five chart hits and now – fresh from putting the finishing touches to the follow-up Wordshaker – they’re back with new single ‘Forever Is Over’. We caught up with Rochelle Wiseman to discuss the new record and the ever-changing girlband landscape.

Your new single ‘Forever Is Over’ shows a rockier edge to The Saturdays. Is that the direction you’re going in now?
“I think we’re lucky because as a pop group we can try lots of different sounds and don’t have to stick to the same thing. The single’s got a full-on pop-rock sound and I think it shows off our voices really well. It’s similar to the album in that it’s got a bigger sound production-wise, but not all the songs are as rocky like that.”

Why did you decide to call your album Wordshaker?
“We wanted something that was a bit more grown-up because it’s our second album. We thought about calling it Deeper but that sounded a little bit cringe and cliched. We wanted something unique, so that when you Google it only our album will come up. A ‘wordshaker’ is someone who twists the truth by saying one thing and doing another. It’s someone who’s a bit of a sneak and uses reverse psychology. We’re making it a trending topic on Twitter.”

There were rumours going round that it was called Colonial Masses.
“I know, it’s hilarious! We were doing interviews all of last week and everybody kept referring to it under that name. We were like, ‘What the hell?’ Don’t believe anything that you read on Wikipedia – anyone can edit it!”

Do you think the new sound will stop comparisons to Girls Aloud?
“I think they came to the end quite a while ago. After we released a couple of singles everyone realised that we had our own sound. Obviously at the start people made comparisons because there were five of us, but that was just an initial thing. We still bump into them at the label and they’re such nice girls.”

So you’re not plotting to take over while they’re on hiatus?
“There was a report in the newspaper that was totally twisted about us trying to take over from them. They asked us about Girls Aloud having a year out and asked if we were ready to be the next girlband. We were like, ‘We’re up for it’. But then the next thing was ‘The Saturdays get nasty’ and we were apparently slagging them off. That’s not our style though. We don’t do things like that. The girls know it’s not true too.”

How did you feel when you heard Keisha had been kicked out of Sugababes?
“I was really shocked. I kind of feel that it’s a bit unfair to keep using the Sugababes name if she’s not in it. She was the only original member left even though Heidi has been there a long time. You never know what goes on behind the scenes and I don’t think we’ll ever really get the truth, just what the newspapers say. The new line-up is hot though. I saw a picture of them and it looks like it’s going to be a good video.”

Do you think they’ll still be around in a year from now?
“Maybe, but they’ll probably have three different members!”

Have you noticed that the beginning of ‘Wordshaker’ sounds a bit like ‘Get Sexy’?
“What bit? Oh, the sirens? I hadn’t noticed that, but I guess it does a little bit. That’s going to be stuck in my head now every time I hear it!”

Has there ever been any in-fighting in The Saturdays?
“We’re actually so lucky because we all get on really well. It’s quite weird when you hear about the stuff that goes on in other groups. It must be horrible being in a band with someone you don’t get on with because you’re with each other all the time doing this job.”

You seem never to have any time off.
“I know! We’ve hardly had any time off since we started but we got a week off in the summer and I took my mum to St. Lucia. It was really weird because we got papped and it was in the paper. It really freaked me out because you don’t know where they’re hiding! I felt a bit sorry for my mum.”

Earlier this year you said you wanted to break the US. Is that still on the agenda?
“Absolutely! It’s always been a dream of ours, but we don’t want to leave the UK before we’ve got it nailed here. We want to make sure we’ve done enough here to be properly established before we swan off.”

Will there be another Saturdays single before Christmas?
“Yeah, why not! Watch this space!”

Do you know which song it’s going to be yet?
“We have decided on one, but I can’t tell you yet.”

‘Wordshaker’ and ‘One Shot’ went down well on tour. Could it be one of those?
“Well, maybe not for the next one. I’m not sure… I don’t think it will be one of those two, so there’s a hint! Stop it you with the probing, cheeky!”

Were you surprised when ‘Work’ only reached number 22?
“What happened was that we were meant to release it a lot earlier but then the Comic Relief opportunity came through. We’d already started promoting ‘Work’ so everyone had already started downloading it. Sales-wise it still did well and it tied in nicely with our ‘Work’ tour, but it wasn’t the ideal chart position.”

Do you think you’ll get your first number one from the new album?
“Do you know what, I think we deserve it now! There’s all that stuff about being modest but it’s every band’s dream to get to number one! It’s so nice to be in the top ten, even better to be in the top five, but getting to the top would really seal the deal. We’ve done so well this far, so it would be the icing on the cake and top off what has been a really amazing year.”

The Saturdays release new single ‘Forever Is Over’ on October 5. Their album Wordshaker follows on October 12.

Source: Digitalspy

Interview with Rochelle (Digitalspy) Read More »

Saturdays Rochelle ‘gaffa-tapes her t*ts’

Monday, September 21 2009, 15:36 BST

By David Balls, Music Reporter

Saturdays Rochelle 'gaffa-tapes her t*ts'


Saturdays singer Rochelle Wiseman was reportedly forced to secure her breasts using gaffa tape at a live show in Liverpool last weekend.

The 20-year-old allegedly ordered backstage staff to help with a wardrobe malfunction before performing a headline set at Juice FM’s Big Night Out.

“Just before the Saturdays went on the main stage Rochelle was asking everyone backstage for “t*t tape” to hold her dress up,” a source told DS.

“Rochelle said she brought a lovely new dress but obviously it was just a bit too big for her!

“Everyone was running around like mad flies to try and source some t*t tape. In the end one of the stage crew walked past with some black gaffa tape and Rochelle grabbed it out of his hand!

“She got herself sorted and then went on stage with the the rest of the band to headline the night like a true pro!”

The girlband previously admitted that they had been known to “squeeze each other’s boobs”.

The Saturdays release new single ‘Forever Is Over’ on October 5.

Source: Digitalspy

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Rochelle Blogs – “Roch – I’M BBAACCKKK!!!!!!!”


Roch – I’M BBAACCKKK!!!!!!!

Hey hey people!!!

I’m just in Glasgow! Deja-vu! We have just stopped over for the night! Because we have to travel from Newcastle to Aberdeen for
another show, so this means we get less time in the car!!

We had our last show in Newcastle tonight and I have to say, I’m a london girl and all, but the Geordies definately show their love!! I would say the best crowd yet ,so thanks for cheering if you were there, haha!!!

I’m sharing a room with Mollie tonight and we are being very girly!
Giving each other manicures and using face masks…my favourite!!
I have been teaching Mollie all sorts about beauty products and make- up; I’d say her wash bag will definately come back heavier after her recent purchases!!

I was thinking today we only 8 more shows left on this tour and then we are finished!! That’s such a sad thought! I have had so much fun I seriously don’t want it to end!! So I am making the most of it!!

Anyway guys, I’m going to keep this short and sweet, as I have just seen the time (12.30 am) and I have to be up early!!

Take care…as always if you want to know anything just ask!!


Peace!! xxxxxxxxxx

Taken from The Saturdays official Music Myspce page :
Check it out!

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Rochelle Blogs


Hey Hey!! Its Roch back again!!

Wow, where do I start?! So much has happened since last time I wrote one of these!!

We have made our very first video – yippee…we had so much fun, it was a very long day but we enjoyed every second of it!! I had to get up at 5.30 in the morning so I didnt look too pretty, but thankfully we had an amazing Glam Squad on hand! We all felt like Super Stars for the day!!

Its really starting to feel like our hard work is paying off. We all just kept saying “I can’t believe we are finally making a video”. Now everyone can see exactly what we have been up to all of this time!!

It has to be said we have had the best week, making a video and performing at the o2 Arena, both amazing experiences in themselves!

Last night we made our debut at the o2 Arena and we all really had a chance to soak up the experience!! I just kept thinking…’Oh my goodness, the Spice Girls and Justin have performed here!!!’. I kept having to pinch myself to check it was real!! The o2 is officially the biggest place I have ever seen – the crowd goes on for miles and miles… all I could see were lights!!

We are performing there again tonight and I have my family and friends in. They are more excited than all of the band put together! My Mum is making a banner as we speak (cringe).

I hope you are all keeping well….Thanks for all of the lovely messages you have been sending to my Myspace. If you have any questions just ask!!

I’d better go and pack, because we travel to Cardiff tonight after the show!

Take care!!

All my love!!



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Rochelle blogs


Its our second stay in Glasgow, but tonight was our first performance here!! Its kind of scary performing to a new crowd because you don’t know what the reaction may be! But it has to be said the Scotts didn’t let us down!!

Before we went on stage we had a catch up with Nadine from G/A discussing nerves and more importantly outfits haha!!!! I have to say the girls certainly pull out all of the stops when it comes to costumes!! Also there entrance onto stage is AMAZING!!!!! So if your coming to watch the show your in for a treat!! You’ll get yourself a double wammy, Girls Aloud and The Saturdays!!

The only down fall on this tour so far is the food! Its sssoooooo good i can hardly fit into my dress!!! The desserts are way too tempting!

So i woke up at 7.45 today to do some running at the gym (well try to run) so, i made myself feel a bit better!!

If you haven’t been to Glasgow before then you should, its a really buzzing city and the shops are REALLY good!!

I have found my self lost at a check-out a few times already, its terrible because we’ve only just arrived!! i blame Vanessa she makes me buy everything! (although i do return the favour haha)

Its so much fun being away with four of your mates every night is like one big sleep over!! I bought goodies today so we might have a midnight feast haha (that’s if i can stay up)

I suppose your completely bored of me rambling on now aren’t you?!! So I’ll say goodnight to you all!!

But if you want a chat or want me to find out any gossip (I’m good at that) then you know where i am!!

Lots of love Roch!!


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