Mollie Blogs – “Heya!!!”
(Ok I’m just doing that to wind the girls up cos they think I ALWAYS say that, hehehe!!)
How’ve you been?! Busy? We have been crazy busy!!!….
Monday called for a day off at home at last!! It was so nice to see my family and just hang out in my PJs all day, until, suddenly we got a call from our management telling us to come into the office to watch our video for “If This Is Love” for the first time EVER!!! Ahhh we were so nervous and so excited!! We all shot up there as fast as we could and all I can say is….. OH. MY. GOD. IT. IS. AMAZING!!!! We were so SO happy, Ness and I even started crying!!!! We all ran out of the office after and had a group hug (yes, my idea, you know I like to cheese things up, haha!). I wanted to run out onto the street and shout “HEY EVERYONE OUR MUSIC VIDEO ROCKS!!!”.
(Don’t worry, I did manage to resist!!… Kind of!) But I really hope you like it as much as we do!! And hey, while I’m talking about the vid, I just wanted to say thank you SO much to everyone who helped us with it – Harvey (the genius director), everyone at the label, hair, make-up, stylist, Kate our choreographer, and our management!!! Ok ok, now I just sound like I’m collecting an award, I’ll stop!! (And before you ask, yes, that speech has been written and rehearsed already!)
This morning we set off to Nottingham for more fun and games!! The arena was pretty freezing because it’s normally used an an ice rink!! My shorts were NOT a good idea, ahh, but we got a BRILLIANT response from the crowd, so thank you so much if you were there!!!!! We got straight back on the road after the show and headed off to Sheffield, where I am now, sitting in the hotel!! I’m sharing a room with Rochelle and we’re just testing out some new face masks I bought!!! Better run now though, it’s time to wash them off or we’ll be going out with green faces!!!!
Please keep all your comments and questions coming into the forum and our myspaces!!! It’s so lovely to hear from you!!
Mollie Blogs – “Heya!!!” Read More »