
The Saturdays on BBC Radio 1 – 29th August 2011

@TheSaturdays had to get up early this morning – which was difficult for some, including Vanessa and Rochelle 😉 – for their appearance on BBC Radio 1 with Dev this morning. You can listen to the interview – in parts – below. In the first one they mainly chat a bit about the girls and their habits, the second one they’ve pre-asked the girls some questions and then during the show the other girls have to answer how they think the girl has answered it. The third one they continue what they did in the second interview and then answer some fans questions.

Interview 1:
The Saturdays – Interview 1 (BBC Radio 1 – 29th August 2011) by TheSaturdaysFansite

Interview 2:
The Saturdays – Interview 2 (BBC Radio 1 – 29th August 2011) by TheSaturdaysFansite

Interview 3:
The Saturdays – Interview 3 (BBC Radio 1 – 29th August 2011) by TheSaturdaysFansite

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Saturdays: News/video round-up

As I suddenly found so much news to post… Here’s a round-up of things to check out or look forward to. Firstly, as ever on the Saturday morning, check out the new flip (with new intro!) on their official site: All Fired Up At… Our Video Shoot.

Secondly, kind as our girls are, they’ve given us “All Fired Up” – The Extended Remix! Hit play on the video below and get “All Fired Up”! (I’m going to keep that word joke going for a while yet I think!)

Thirdly (are you still there?) there’s some MORE TV promo to look forward to! Check out the list below. And as ever, don’t panic if you can’t catch it, you’ll know where to find it, right? … *points at site URL*
31/08 ITV1-This Morning (Performance) @ 10.30am
04/09 BBC2-Something For The Weekend (Interview) @ 10am
05/09 ITV1-Alan Titchmarsh (Performance) @ 3pm
10/09 Ch4-Super Saturday (Performance) @ 11am and 9pm

And no, we have not forgotten… Of course we know today there are 3 TV appearances as well! Matt will not be able to get any videos up until Sunday evening because he’s off to the Townsley gig today! I will however, if I can find anything, get videos up as they come along. And if there’s nothing recent, luck of the draw has it they’ve been (involved in) those 3 TV Shows before… Can you guess where I’m going yet?!

Stay tuned to …

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