Seasons Greetings from The Saturdays Fansite! We hope everyone has a wonderful time over the next week or so and spends lots of quality time with family!
Year Review:
Officially the last performance from The Saturdays (at time of posting) was 54 odd weeks ago, at Liverpool’s Radio City Christmas Live 2014. 2015 promised little on paper, and little did it deliver. Even before the girls last performance there was a lot of noise of solo careers and the like, all of which have barely materialised this year. Yes we’ve had confirmation that Mollie has signed to a major label, Vanessa has released a couple of tracks and Una keeps recording but we all expect all three to do a major push in 2016. Frankie obviously has the Strictly Tour which starts next month which she missed last year, and Rochelle no doubt has more TV lined up even if the future of the X-Factor is in doubt, maybe she’ll replace her own husband on The Voice when that moves to ITV in 2017 … might be awkward!
What does 2016 bring? Well those expecting a group reunion might well be crying into their Christmas dinners in 365 days time. I just cannot see it. Even if Mollie, Vanessa and Una all push their music in 1Q 2016, as Mollie is with a major label, if her album does get released it might still be 6+ months away in the late Spring/Summer of 2016. Una will be silly not to use The Voice of Ireland to help promote her album in Ireland which starts its run in early January for a few months.
There is obviously a very small core fanbase that actually still care about The Saturdays and their music – which in some ways I do understand. You can argue a couple of poor album releases in regards to promotion and the like have hurt the girls commercially and they are slowly being forgotten about with the likes of Little Mix taking and running far away with the girl band crown.
Is a ‘reunion’ on the cards, never say never, but it might be 2017. With rumours of a Spice Girls reunion planned for 2016 they might not want to go up against that and just be lost in that.
Where does that leave me, and this website? I still have no plans to go anywhere, just yet. It’s not like it’s taking up hours of my time anymore, and if the girls did return the times of me spending hours upon hours of recording off the TV are probably gone too, as I sit here and run everything off my laptop these days. We’re not going anywhere and the twitter is still the best place to catch up on breaking news so please follow @TheSatsCoUK for the latest. I mean the girls official site hasn’t been updated for nearly 10 months!
I need to plan what to update, and when. We might just fall back to updates every 7 days or so to say what has happened and post breaking news (if there is any!) as soon as possible. But I will go into that in the new year. I don’t plan to stop, just scale back until one of the girls goes solo properly and actually confirms what The Saturdays are doing.
Until the new year! All the best!
Matt x