Vanessa: “Our new music is much sexier”

It’s been a long time since we heard any music from the Saturday’s girls but with their new album fast approaching we caught up with the lovely Vanessa at the New Look Style the Nation with T4 launch to have a chat about it.

Vanessa who was looking super cute in a NL jumpsuit AND had a snazzy new haircut (jel? Us?) told us that their new album’s going to have a sexier vibe.

“Our new album’s going to be a lot sexier than our old one, it’s definitely a different sound, we’re really excited about it,” said Vanessa, “We’ve all grown up a bit now and that shows. It’s also a lot more R‘n’B than anything we’ve done before, it’s a very cool. Every time I think about the new single Notorious it makes me want to dance.”

EEK. Exciting!

Vanessa who spent the evening catching up with friends and dancing showing of her toned legs and admitted that she’s a bit like us when it comes to her exercise habits, “Sometimes I’ll get really into exercise and go to the gym all the time but then other times I’ll have a week off.”

Source: Heatworld

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