May 2008

Vanessa Blog

Vanessa The Saturdays


Hey everyone, hope everyone’s good!!

I’ve just had the most amazing weekend. We did 2 nights at 02 in London!

I can honestly say I’ve never performed in front of so many people in my life or seen that many for that matter, it was unreal! It only really hit me in the middle of performing ‘ISSUES’ coz that’s the only track where we literally just sing. I just saw thousands and thousands of lights! I had to pinch myself! Definitely had a Vanessa moment then! We all came off stage buzzing! I then decided to watch GA for like the 3rd time now lol (can’t get enough) They just amaze me.

After all that fun and games we went to a wicked party that Girls Aloud were throwing for everyone involved in the tour. EVERYONE was there and it was really nice to socialise with everyone when you’re not just about to rush on to stage. My bubble burst though when we had to get back in the car at about midnight and drive to Cardiff!! It took three and a half hours so we arrived at 3.30am. I headed straight to bed. It was all worth it in the end though coz Cardiff was brilliant and so much fun!! Right now I’m back in the car which is now officially my second home 🙂 Its quite funny really. I can hear Rochelle in the front chatting away on the phone, Mollie in front of me listening to Britney, Frankie sitting next to her with her packet of sweets and Una next to me with her legs stretched out asleep!! Home sweet home!!!


Love Vanessa
xxx 🙂

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Rochelle Blogs


Hey Hey!! Its Roch back again!!

Wow, where do I start?! So much has happened since last time I wrote one of these!!

We have made our very first video – yippee…we had so much fun, it was a very long day but we enjoyed every second of it!! I had to get up at 5.30 in the morning so I didnt look too pretty, but thankfully we had an amazing Glam Squad on hand! We all felt like Super Stars for the day!!

Its really starting to feel like our hard work is paying off. We all just kept saying “I can’t believe we are finally making a video”. Now everyone can see exactly what we have been up to all of this time!!

It has to be said we have had the best week, making a video and performing at the o2 Arena, both amazing experiences in themselves!

Last night we made our debut at the o2 Arena and we all really had a chance to soak up the experience!! I just kept thinking…’Oh my goodness, the Spice Girls and Justin have performed here!!!’. I kept having to pinch myself to check it was real!! The o2 is officially the biggest place I have ever seen – the crowd goes on for miles and miles… all I could see were lights!!

We are performing there again tonight and I have my family and friends in. They are more excited than all of the band put together! My Mum is making a banner as we speak (cringe).

I hope you are all keeping well….Thanks for all of the lovely messages you have been sending to my Myspace. If you have any questions just ask!!

I’d better go and pack, because we travel to Cardiff tonight after the show!

Take care!!

All my love!!



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Una Blogs


Una here in Brighton!

Hey guys and girls!

Today we travelled from London to Brighton for the next show. It was such a beautiful hot day, but unfortunately we didn’t get to spend any time in the sun:( Arriving in Brighton for the first time and I have to say it is so lovely I will have to come back here sometime to visit for a short break!


Our hotel is right by the sea and jammy Mollie got the room with the sea view and a balcony! Myself and Frankie are sharing and we have no balcony…. but we do have a view of ASDA! haha!!

But its all good, love it here! In our sound check there was a pigeon flying around the centre so I’m not sure if they managed to get him (or her) out in time for the performance! There was a really nice atmosphere in the venue and everybody was in great form. It must be the weather, it brings the best out in everyone and everything and everyone looked so tanned and happy, I love the sun! the show went really well. The crowd were fantastic too…so I really enjoyed it tonight! Looking forward to another day in Brighton tomorrow!

Talk to you soon!

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Frankie Blogs


Its me, Miss Francesca Sandford doing the blog today! Lol I Hope your all good and enjoyed the sun!

We had such a good time in Bournemouth, the weather couldn’t of come at a better time. We got to spend our days chilling out on the beach catching a tan. Then spend the evening doing the show, what more could a girl want?! I had to keep reminding myself that I wasn’t actually on holiday! We were extra excited because after the show we were going home that night to sleep in our own beds!

I woke up this morning thinking I had loads to do, but my Mum had done all my washing before I even got up! How lovely is that?! So everything’s fresh and ready to be re-packed now! Ha . So I took that as an opportunity to take full advantage of the sun! I put my heels, sunglasses and summer dress on got in the car and put the roof down! I stopped by to see my second family!

(my best friends Mum and Sis) Had a quick catch up on all the gossip, I don’t want to fall behind now do i?! And got some bits and bobs to pack.

Isn’t it funny how running errands is fun on a sunny day?!

In the evening we had a fitting for the video. We were all excited to see what the stylist had in store for us. It was so fun…it’s like shopping but better, because all the best stuff has been picked out for you!

Everyone is going to look amazing. I’m not giving away any hints so you’re just going to have to wait and see when it comes out!

Anyway im going to stop blabbering on now and get back to chilling out with Una!

Ta Ra



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