Today we reach our 9th Birthday ..

Cakes all around! The Saturdays celebrate TheSatsCoUK 9th birthday in style .. with tea and cakes!

Yes, I know, it’s a website, how can it have a birthday? Well really it can’t, but 7th April 2017 is the 9th year, lets say anniversary, of The Saturdays Fansite.

I know I post these every year, and every year it’s pretty much the same, but although updates are a lot less, and what is actually going on is a lot less, we have been around serving The Saturdays (or solo) related tidbits for 9 years. Some of you reading this have probably been coming here for 9 years, others might have just stumbled across this page today whilst searching for The Saturdays, or one of it’s members and what they might or might not be doing recently. Either way thank you for visiting, without the visitors the website would be nothing!

As always a huge thanks to everyone who invested time in this site throughout the years, no matter how large or small the involvement, it was a key involvement in creating what the site had become over the years.

Thanks to Mollie, Frankie, Una, Rochelle and Vanessa for being so supportive over the years with the site, which makes all the hard work worth it. Also thanks to Adam, Sarah, Peter and the rest of the team at Fascination who probably thought they had a break from me .. then they go manage Steps!

Hopefully the girls will continue their own solo ventures over the next 12 months so we can reach the big 10! Here’s to the next 12 months!

Today we reach our 9th Birthday .. Read More »

Vanessa: ‘I’m calling it a day’

On the eve of our 9th Birthday .. 9 years wow .. Vanessa has spoken to the Metro Newspaper, not sure if this has been taken out of context with the wider picture, but they are reporting.

The 27-year-old insisted she was ‘mentally’ finished as she posed with grey hair to tease new solo music.

‘I don’t think I could go back. I’ve got so much that I want to do. There’s no space mentally for me to go back,’ said Vanessa, posing for Rankin’s Hunger TV to plug her second solo EP, Chapter Two.

‘As time goes on, I know it just wouldn’t feel right for me. This feels natural,’ she added.



The remaining four pop babes have previously insisted they are still together, despite a four-year gap for some of them to have babies.

Vanessa‘s second EP – Chapter Two – is available to buy/stream from today.

Vanessa: ‘I’m calling it a day’ Read More »

Una: No plans to reunite for 10th anniversary

Maybe we should throw in the towel?

Today Una was at The Sun talking about her ‘debut’ solo single – out tomorrow – and has poured more ice over a potential The Saturdays reunion.

“It has been ten years since we first met so we will definitely do something together but it will be more a personal, private thing that we do.

“I don’t think there will be any performances or anything this year.

“It will be ten years next year since we released our first single so maybe next year.

“But this year I really don’t think any reunion will be happening musically though obviously us girls are really good friends. We will do something, definitely.”

The long wait continues ….


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Year Review 2016: Oh what a year …

Seasons greetings from The Saturdays Fansite. I hope everyone is enjoying time with friends and family and getting into the festive spirit and enjoying yourselves. As you can tell Mollie is getting into the festive spirit and fully endorsing Fascination and their management of the upcoming Steps re-reunion!  It’s a time to enjoy as 2016 has been an eventful year in so many different ways. I’m sure we are all looking back over the last 12 months and thinking … did that really happen?!?

I wasn’t going to bother posting anything but I thought I’d keep this going. It’s been 12 months exactly since I posted the 2015 review. I called that the year of nothing and wrongly predicted that we would have an album out this year. What we have seen a least is Una actually announcing an album which is actually out sooner than we think! Mollie did eventually release a single but due to what we can only assume is big label politics she’s been recording – again! She did perform a new song a few months ago but little has come of that! Vanessa is still recording too, so potentially 2017 has a lot of music coming, just not from The Saturdays! Not to forget the Humes family are expecting their second child too! In s few years The Voice a kids can officially have their mini-Saturdays!

Their official site has been up and down a lot recently, plus the management team are behind the – not to secret – Steps re-reunion for 2017 – too. Which gives me something as many of you know in the 90s I ran a Steps website, which is still online, just as an archive these days!

Ultimately we are still here and going. Hopefully 2017 will give us something more substantial to post and update. I cannot thank you all enough for supporting us though the many years we’ve been online. A lot of you still visit hoping for some exciting news but sadly I’ve not been able to bring it to you yet!

Lets hope 2017 is better for us all!

– Matt

Year Review 2016: Oh what a year … Read More »